Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My reflective video


  1. hahaha I love your pictures. I had no idea you were so passionate about Brain Rules!

  2. Ok, so I went to this same website and I uploaded my video and it said that I had to upgrade to make something longer than 30 sec. Did you upgrade or did you find a way around this?

  3. I am super passionate about Brain Rules. I wish I could marry it.

    I'm sad to say that I totally caved and paid the money... I didn't realize that it could only be 30 seconds until after I was finished, and I didn't feel like starting over with some other tool.... ugh. That's how they get you!

  4. Freeimum sites can be tricky that way.
    I promise, I watched it. Then I immediately was talking with Beth on Skype so...brain dump. However, I loved those opening images.
