Sunday, November 13, 2011

Teaching philosophy 2.0

1 comment:

  1. Betsy,

    I really like your video. I think that, despite having never been a teacher, you have a good grasp on what things would be necessary to have a successful classroom.

    I like how you incorporated alphabetic modes into your video. I think we have learned thus far that it helps the audience best, to incorporate it with multimodal. While I know this is not your final draft, I think it would be really important to make sure that we can see you if you plan on doing a video. I had trouble both hearing and seeing you.

    Also, I think it would be interesting if you were able to make it interactive somehow. You talk about having students be engaged by interaction, so I wonder if there is someway that you might allow your audience to be an interactive part of your teaching philosophy. I realized that this may be difficult as I sit here pondering how you might do that. :) Hopefully, you will have better luck than me.

    I didn't see a written format, but I think that putting all of your ideas on paper will be sufficient. Good luck!
