Thursday, September 22, 2011

Horizon Report

"2011 Horizon Report." Our Web Publishing Platform — NMC Words Pressed.
                     Web. 22 Sept. 2011.
In "The Horizon Report", strategies are given to improve education through technology. I really liked this report, because it gives explicit strategies on technological advances, how these can improve classroom experiences, and a timeline in which these new technologies should emerge and become relevant. I was surprised by the concepts of game-based learning and augmented reality being used in the classroom, but I like it because I know students love to play with new technologies, and learn very well when learning is disguised as fun.
I am confused by the concept of gesture-based learning. This involves body motions controlling a computerized system, as is done with the Xbox Kinect and other technologies. I think it's a really great technology, but I don't exactly understand how this could be used in the classroom for increased learning experiences.
I would like to learn more about what types of schools these new technologies are being marketed in. How do demographics, school budget, etc. factor in? This goes back to the question of access.

1 comment:

  1. Keep returning to the idea about gesture-based learning as we continue reading through Brain Rules. :-)
